Frequently Asked Questions About THC Nanoemulsions

water soluble Delta 8 thc nanoemulsion

THC nanoemulsions, particularly those created with cutting-edge technology like ultrasonic processing, provide significant advantages over traditional cannabis products. Their enhanced bioavailability and rapid absorption make them a compelling choice for both recreational and medicinal use. However, it’s crucial to understand the potential health risks and conduct thorough research before using these products. Additionally, the legality…

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Delta-8 THC Study: Nanoemulsions vs. Oil Solution – Which Offers Superior Absorption?

delta 8 pre-clinical trial

A new pharmacokinetic Delta-8 THC study by Industrial Sonomechanics shows groundbreaking results in the cannabis space.   Nanokinetics® recently interviewed Dr. Alexey Peshkovsky, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Industrial Sonomechanics (ISM) regarding a recent preclinical pharmacokinetic study that ISM conducted in collaboration with Verdient Technologies. The study compares two types of nanoemulsions (liquid and powdered) with…

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