Nanokinetics® Blog

water soluble Delta 8 thc nanoemulsion

Frequently Asked Questions About THC Nanoemulsions

By Nanokinetics Team | Aug 20, 2024

THC nanoemulsions, particularly those created with cutting-edge technology like ultrasonic processing, provide significant advantages over traditional cannabis products. Their enhanced bioavailability and rapid absorption make them a compelling choice for both recreational and medicinal use. However, it’s crucial to understand the potential health risks and conduct thorough research before using these products. Additionally, the legality…

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water soluble mitragynine from kratom effervescent tablet dissolving in water

The Future of Herbal Supplements: Exploring Water-Soluble Mitragynine for Enhanced Performance

By Nanokinetics Team | Jul 31, 2024

What is Kratom? Kratom, a herbal supplement derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, has gained attention for its potential performance-enhancing properties. One specific compound found in kratom, called mitragynine, has been the focus of research for its potential to improve cognitive function and physical endurance. As the future of herbal supplements unfolds,…

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bitter blocker neutral flavor

Improving Cannabis Products Taste with Bitter Blocker Nanoemulsion Formulations

By Nanokinetics Team | Jul 27, 2024

Consumers generally tend to avoid bitter-tasting foods, even when they contain beneficial bioactives [1]. Therefore, a food or beverage’s bitter flavor profile can significantly influence consumer preferences and product acceptance. Infusing beverages with CBD and/or THC-containing nanoemulsions has become increasingly popular. However, these infused cannabis products can vary widely in bitterness, ranging from virtually undetectable…

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delta 8 pre-clinical trial

Delta-8 THC Study: Nanoemulsions vs. Oil Solution – Which Offers Superior Absorption?

By Nanokinetics Team | Jun 29, 2024

A new pharmacokinetic Delta-8 THC study by Industrial Sonomechanics shows groundbreaking results in the cannabis space.   Nanokinetics® recently interviewed Dr. Alexey Peshkovsky, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Industrial Sonomechanics (ISM) regarding a recent preclinical pharmacokinetic study that ISM conducted in collaboration with Verdient Technologies. The study compares two types of nanoemulsions (liquid and powdered) with…

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Delta-8 water-soluble powder

Introduction to Nanokinetics’ Bulk Delta-8 THC Water-Soluble Powder Product

By Nanokinetics Team | May 17, 2024

Cannabinoids such as CBD and THC are hydrophobic, making them insoluble in water (oil and water do not mix). With Nanokinetics®’ unique nano-emulsification technology, it is now possible to convert hemp and other hydrophobic bioactives into highly water-soluble powders and liquids. This breakthrough has paved the way for the rise of Delta-8 THC in a…

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